One of the ways we can help customers use energy wisely is to understand how to use your thermostat reduce energy consumption. In the fall we talked about Degree-Days. They are used to measure the amount of fuel needed to heat the home. Degree-Days measure the difference between the indoor temperature and the outdoor temperature. Each home has a K-Factor that measures how much fuel is used based on Degree-Days.


How much can I save by turning down the temperature in my home?


The heating season runs from late October to early May, roughly 7 months or 200 days. If you reduce your thermostat setting by one degree for the entire season you save 200 Degree-Days.  In CT we have 5000 Degree-Days per season. 200/5000 equals a 4% savings for turning the temperature down just 1 degree! 


What is a Setback Thermostat and how can it help me reduce my energy consumption?


A Setback Thermostat automatically adjusts the temperature according to a schedule you set to match your living habits. It is used to reduce the temperature in the home when you are away or sleeping.  


Let’s get down to saving some energy!

Let’s look at the average house with a 5 K-Factor using 1000 gallons/year. (Uses one gallon for every 5 Degree-Days)


Turn the heat down from 72 to 68.
Saves 4 deg. x 200 days = 800 Degree-Days.
 800/5000= 16% or 160 gallons.  


Set the temperature back from 68 to 60 when you are away from the house or asleep.



  • Set at 68 degrees:     6am-9am and 4pm-10pm (total 9 hours)
  • Set to 60 degrees:      9am-4pm and 10pm-6am (total 15 hours)
  • The average temp is 63 saving another 5 degrees x 200= 1000 Degree Days
  • Total saving from keeping the home at 72:                
    800 + 1000 = 1800 Degree Days
    or 1800/5000= 36%!  
    That is 360 gallons per year!